Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Working with old and new friends- Nicaragua meets Tuxedo NY!

Well this has be a truly unique and exciting assignment. Having the privilege of working with friends that we either worked with in Nicaragua Bethel or that were serving in the field there. And then mixing and shaking it all together with new friends from Bethel and friends from RBC.  Our crew here in the carpentry has been so much fun and we all feel like family. Many times at lunch we laugh so hard we are crying and we have all only known each other weeks. It is amazing how even though we are "working" it can be so enjoyable. Whether in the field, Bethel, construction, just being together, working together is a blessing and a privilege. We don't ever want to take that privilege for granted. We would love to be in a "permanent" assignment but doing different short term assignments has taught us many good lessons. One of which  is the realization, the acknowledgment,  that we all are  in a "permanent" assignment, we are serving Jehovah together, and no matter where or what you are doing it is a privilege that should never be taken for granted. We think of our dear friends in our congregation back home who can not go to the kingdom hall due to heath problems or are just not able to be with everyone in the ministry and the challenges they face. We think of you often and keep you in our prayers. As a recent study article mentioned that Jehovah values what ever we can give no matter how big or small. At a recent meeting a young man went up to the stage to do a bible reading assignment. To my surprise he has a very severe stuttering problem. As I listened to each struggling word, his mother who was sitting in front of us was moving her head in time to his syllables. Tears began to well up in my eyes, tears of pity, yet mixed with great admiration and appreciation for this young brothers effort, his determination, his humility. He said that he has done over 22 Bible reading assignments. When I feel sorry for myself I want to remember him. After his reading I gazed around our auditorium at the different ones there. Two are in wheelchairs, one sister from a car accident, one brother is disabled. Others with broken homes, unfaithful children, unfaithful spouses, elderly ones , single parents, and I thought ,this is why we gather together, everyone efforts are noted by all. Bethel is truly encouraging and a great privilege, but we never want  diminish the privilege and role our meetings play in our worship, our faith,  our encouragement, our spiritual survival.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Me a morning person?

So we are getting up around 4:45 am. Unfortunately I don't really need an alarm. If you want to get a seat in the front or in the first 5 rows you have to get to the bus asap, that's enough motivation for us!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Saturday June 22, 2013
Manning the public witnessing table in upper east side Manhattan.  Took over for Brother and Sister Adams.  Was a nice privilege to meet and get to talk with them for a few min. Have more photos to share but don't have my tablet hooked up to wireless yet. 
Has been an extremely encouraging time so far, yet exhausting.  We came home Friday night and fell asleep at 7pm...More to come soon. We have orientation until Wed and start work on Thursday.
 These are the the views from our room!  Can see the bay in the background!