Sunday, June 23, 2013

Saturday June 22, 2013
Manning the public witnessing table in upper east side Manhattan.  Took over for Brother and Sister Adams.  Was a nice privilege to meet and get to talk with them for a few min. Have more photos to share but don't have my tablet hooked up to wireless yet. 
Has been an extremely encouraging time so far, yet exhausting.  We came home Friday night and fell asleep at 7pm...More to come soon. We have orientation until Wed and start work on Thursday.
 These are the the views from our room!  Can see the bay in the background!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Rockaway Queens KH work

Torrential rain 

Pizza pizza pizza

We could not figure out what the paint color was for this wall!

Isaiah and I  share everything. Couldn't resist taking this photo in the unfinished bathroom.  We think they should just leave the toilet paper opening so you can have some together time in the bathroom! What you dont think its a good idea?

Slight change in plans.......

Well we had a slight change in plans. We will be going to Tuxedo/Warwick for 3 months as temp Brooklyn Bethelites starting June 20. Was a bitter sweet change as we have really grown to love working with the KHCG and getting to know everyone there. Who knows in the future, hope to get to work with them again.  Really learning to "fly without a parachute" getting used to not knowing what the next thing will be.  Just want to stay faithful and busy in Jehovah's service where ever that may be.

Brooklyn Assembly Hall

Fire escape outside our apartment
 We were so happy to have such a wonderful place to stay while in Brooklyn.  Had off street parking!

Tim and Robin Blasiak caretakers at Brooklyn Assembly Hall
 Our apartment at Brooklyn Assembly Hall

Fun with drywall......

So done with this ceiling!!!!
Tasha and I had just about had it doing this 
ceiling.  But we learned a LOT!  Now we
can measure, cut and put up drywall....around piping!
Was really hard and frustrating but we did it!

Just one of the many stories........

It has been a real privilege to help out here in Union City while waiting for the project in Ridgewood, Brooklyn to start.  We have gotten to know so many wonderful new friends and heard first hand so many encouraging experiences.

Young and old(er), married and single , some retired others leaving behind jobs.  Coming from as far away as California, Georgia, Alabama Virginia, and Maryland to help out. Many with out knowing how they really were going to do it.  
For example Mike and Simone Edwards,  had lived in a house a few years earlier and had since moved into a 5th wheel trailer while living in Georgia  working on an assembly hall there. They had come to NJ to work at Stanley Theater and then were invited to work with KHCG. Meanwhile friends back home packed up their belongings for them and sent them up here to NJ. However where would they live? They made it a matter of prayer. While in service shortly afterward they worked with a brother who was a widower and was praying for a way to use the extra space in his house to help someone in need. He offered them his finished basement free of charge! As to the Edward's trailer, a sister back home helped them out by cleaning it, selling it and depositing money in their bank account.
This is just one story of how Jehovah by means of his spirit and the support of our dear spiritual family really helps those who want to extend themselves. Matthew 6:33 and Psalm 110:3 in action. So many had similar stories.
 It is only with Jehovah's help this work could be done. As was brought out at the volunteer appreciation program for the Stanley Theater, "flying with out a parachute", but Jehovah always catches us.......even if its at the last minute. We just have to jump.

Mike and Simone

Union City KHCG Volunteers

 What a crazy group, that is
why we are not in the photo....
A bit windy and rainy!

Drywall, drywall, drywall!