Week1.......we are getting used to city life, everything taking a lot longer than you plan.......including the construction projects.. But we are getting used to that. While working on preparations for starting the work at the Ridgewood Kingdom Hall in Brooklyn, which will not be until beginning of June, we have been helping out at the Union City, New Jersey, Kingdom hall project. Helped rip up old floor, among other things. Met so many amazing, yet comfortably "normal " new friends working so hard. Meaning it is amazing how Jehovah really gives us the power, as normal, ordinary people, to do anything he wants even though we may feel inadequate or that we don't have the means ,He truly can "fool us" and do the impossible.
Many we are meeting were at the Jersey City project who have gotten asked to work with the KHCG. (For those not familiar with that acronym it stands for Kingdom Hall Coordination Group. A new pilot program with the goal of giving the much needed attention to Kingdom Halls in metropolitan areas that have special needs. )We are especially excited about it because it is something that , SINGLE sisters can do! It is amazing to hear the stories of so many who are just leaving their lives in Jehovah's hands and his hand is not short! In an upcoming post I will give some experiences on how people have found housing and and are simplifying their lives to be here to help............ I want to have my facts straight. Please bare with me with........photos didn't post in order and I'm too tired to fix them! Isaiah is passed out on couch, has been a crazy long week.
Thanks for taking the time to show us a bit of what is going on with "the entire association of brothers!" It is a wonderful glimpse into yet another amazing accomplishment of Jehovah's organization. Additionally, I like the cup centerpieces, what a way to add class to an otherwise utilitarian setting! (smile)